Monday, November 27, 2006


I remember the days shortly after I graduated from college when anyone and everyone was on instant messenger...every friend, every acquaintance, even my technologically challenged parents! No friend was ever farther than a 'ping' away, no matter the time of day. Now during the day AIM is a deserted wasteland of unused screen names and long forgotten icons.


I blame it on corporate America with their rules and regulations against such forms of communication! I too have been harshly forbidden to use AIM while in the workplace. I too have sat twiddling my thumbs on a down day wishing for the good old days of AIM. I too have felt the painful sneer when asking a manager why the AIM download fails every time I try to install it.

Fortunately, i now have my dear friend Mr. Motorola Q with AIM capabilities to keep me entertained during such times!


James Kernan Ferrin said...

i have aim, yahoo, and msn messenger. i am allowed to use them at work - the powers that be have not taken them away!

Bryan said...

I'm so jealous!!

I had to download AIM onto my PDA. It's nice but since no one is ever on i find myself staring at my phone longingly..! Dude, IM me some time!

Anonymous said...

I hate corporate America..eww..eww

Bryan said...

yeah..."ewww" is an understatement!! But, I guess it pays the bills... :-/...that is until I break into my clothing career. When that happens i'll be broke, but DAMN IT at least i'll look good!!!

Eric said...

my boss actually told all of us staff to make sure that we were on msn msger! he had the tech guy install it on all our computers and have it sign us in when we turned on the computer in the morning. he wanted to be able to talk to us immediately.

he had no idea that it only encouraged us staff to have our private little conversations with each other!

too funny.