Monday, November 06, 2006

I'll Find You....I'll Hide Me

The title of this entry comes from the chorus of a song by a group I’ve recently come to love called “Loquat”. They have an amazing AMAZING sound! But, that’s beside the point.
They have a song called “Serial Mess” which, from what I understand, is actually about a dream in which a girl is being chased by a serial killer. I know…rather morbid concept, eh?? But regardless, aside from loving the music there’s a part in the chorus of this song that seems particularly poignant at this time in my life.

“It’s a game of hide and seek. I’ll find you…I’ll hide me…."

As I listen to the chorus, and then play it over again and again in my head, the concept of “I’ll find you…I’ll hide me” is an irresistible one.

As I listen, I realize that ultimately…this is what my life is about! It’s not about what I want or what I think I deserve. Nor is it about who I think I am. Through experience I’ve learned that often times what I want is actually not what I need and who I think I am is more often who I want to be. However, as I seek Him…finding Him…I discover that my true needs are met, and that life, while not without its difficulties, is rich! And in the process I realize that I am truly “me”, in Him.

So, as all else falls away I realize that there is life hiding in Him…and in being continuously found by the One who has and who always will, see me….