Sunday, December 30, 2007

Going back to school...

...for interior design.

I'm extremely exctied. I'm also extremely nervous! There's so much to figure out and i'm trusting that things will work out as they should. I've reached this point many times in the past. It's no secret that my heart is in the design world, and in the past such careers have always been top on the list of things I should be doing, while the things I am doing have always been in the middle or at the very bottom. Yet, fear of the substantial loss of income and the logistics of how my path to my dream would take place kept me from moving forward. I woke up the other morning and finally said "enough is enough". I can spend the rest of my life waking up and dreading the day that lies ahead just because the paycheck is good, or I can take a risk and follow my heart, perhaps into poverty? Oh well, i'm going to follow my heart.


Anonymous said...

Congrats Bryan :) I just started doing PR/Marketing for HDR Architecture. We have about 300 interior designers employed - I love going to their building, it's so damn fun!

Bryan said...

Thanks Mike! I'm going to look up HDR Architecture. It'd be cool to have my own architecture and design firm some day (obviously someone else would have to be the architect). Missed you at the conference! Maybe next year. :)