So this weekend my roomates and I had a Halloween party that proved to be quite enteraining for a variety of reasons. As we typically do, we turned our apartment into a themed nightclub of sorts inclusive of blacklights, house music, a bar and much more. I've decided to post my top six observations from that party here...partially because i'm so bored at work right now that I could cry...and partially because, well...i'm so bored at work right now I could cry!
1. I should dress as an apache more often...i look good in a headdress!
2. Large Indian headdresses and heavy winds don't mix well, particularly when attempting to cross the street quickly to avoid oncoming traffic.
3. When a pregnant Jamaican woman who's husband just drug her an hour and a half away from their home in Far Rockaway (in the rain) comes to the bar and asks you for some cranberry damn well better have some cranberry juice.
4. New Guinea penis sheaths are so much fun!!!! (long story)
5. Small neon fish that glow under blacklights = very cool
6. Putting small neon fish that glow under blacklights in a margarita glass and leaving it at the bar with all the other drinks = not cool...not cool AT ALL!