Thursday, November 16, 2006

A Mensroom Plea (together we CAN improve our aim)

I happen to work for a prestigious Investment Bank here in Manhattan. Were one to casually stroll through my office one would find countless flat panel LCDs tuned to various news stations and desks adorned with double flat panel monitors and the best in high tech gadgets. One would find men and women dressed to thoroughly impress and people waxing poetic on the greatest in management philosophy, technological innovation, and the world economy.

Now, take a walk with me if you will…to the men’s room (women you can come to).
As you stroll past the door you glance into the mirror on your left, checking yourself out. You want to make sure you look just as good at 2pm as you did when you arrived at noon…I mean….9am.

You procede through yet another door, headed to the urinals…and as you approach them your eyes behold the most vile and putrid set of urinals into which any man has ever relieved himself.

This my friends, is the bathroom which I am forced to visit at least once daily. Each time I go I pause for a second or two. Sometimes I pray, “dear Lord…please don’t let me slip and fall in the stream of urine that surrounds me”. Other times I just close my eyes and give it a go hoping that if I can’t see it then perhaps it really isn’t that bad. I am convinced that these urinals exist solely for decorative purposes, because they certainly aren’t being used! I mean, why pee into the porcelain pot when you can pee all around it?

I won’t describe the day my ID card fell into it all. It’s still too soon as it only happened a few short weeks ago. However, I think I cried as I stared at it lying there on the floor…somewhat yellow.

Anyway, I say all of this to say….Dear Employer…you make lots and lots of money every year. If we cannot make urinal etiquette a mandatory part of new hire training, or provide all male employees with a “how to” video of sorts, then perhaps we should consider at least hiring someone to CLEAN THE DAMN BATHROOM!!!


James Kernan Ferrin said...

Amen!!! How is it that the urinal is closer to you, but there seems to be more urine around it? It remains a mystery.

James Kernan Ferrin said... more thing to say...i just browsed your blog and discovered my name. I don't know you either, but hello. nice to meet you.

Eric said...

ooh, don't close your eyes. you might miss and i'll have to utilize the facilities after you!
