Monday, February 18, 2008

(Insert Uber Gay and Uncreative Title Here)

So i'm not going back to New York City with a brand new house townhouse in the amish country.


Isn't she lovely!? That was a rhetorical question by the way. I don't want you PT Cruiser haters downing my high.

I loved not having to drive when I first moved to NYC. I still love not HAVING to drive. But I also miss the freedom of having a car, and feeling like more is available to me than where I can get to in a crowded subway car or Amtrak train. I have friends who vouch for how different life is with a car in Manhattan. One says it completely changed her outlook on life in Manhattan when she and her husband got their car. It's not quite that drastic for me, but i'm very excited nonetheless. I'm picturing many spring and summer evenings spent on the banks of the Long Island Sound in Westchester, NY and Connecticut. Let the good times roll!*

- Bryan

* I can't believe I wrote that... Who under the age of 53 says "let the good times roll"?! What a dork.


David said...

"I don't want you PT Cruiser haters downing my high."

Aw, but I was so looking forward to it.

Bryan said...

lol. you know you want one...