Monday, October 01, 2007

Profound Realization....Brace Yourselves

Guys are idiots!

And yes, I know that i'm one of them.

It's odd. Women can often see things that men can't. A woman can listen to a guy talk, rant, whine, dream, and say..."we'd be really good together". While the guy is thinking "I'm glad we're friends but we couldn't date because I like bigger boobs". Quite often, the woman was right and the guy doesn't realize that until it's too late and she's moved on. I don't know. Perhaps the female intuition gene came along with my gay gene.

Obviously, there's someone I thought I had at least some feelings for. However, I could be wrong about the sense of compatability. There was someone a year ago who I thought would be good for me, and vice versa. Truth was, one of us would have probably killed the other in his sleep. But that experience was a first for many reasons and there were a number of things I couldn't see. I'm an ENFj / INFj personality so I learn from situations quickly, and my gut tells me that this situation is different.

Sadly, i'm making the emotional decision to give up on him, not give up on caring about him as a friend or supporting him because I couldn't do that, he's done nothing wrong per se. But just in seeing him as anything more, of putting my heart into it unnecessarily. I'm over it.



ayla.bird said...

I've found that sometimes when you give up it seems to trigger something in the other person or the situation in general and all of a sudden they want what you want... It's not for sure but you never know...