During your action packed testosterone infused Jiu Jitsu class, instead of appropriately referring to it as your Gi
You proceed to ask... “Where can I get new pants for my costume?”
There's really no such thing as self-discovery
During your action packed testosterone infused Jiu Jitsu class, instead of appropriately referring to it as your Gi
You proceed to ask... “Where can I get new pants for my costume?”
Hello. I just stumbled upon your blog. Your first few entries were entertaining, so I am definitely going to have to subscribe.
I saw the one titled "You Are the Sun" and was thinking "Hey, it's like the Sara Groves song" and it was!
Also, I think we may be in a similar field. Do you happen to know what ISACA is? If you do, you get major cool/lame points...haha.
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